Anglais International Regulatory Co-operation ; addressing global challenges (édition en anglais)

À propos

The world is becoming increasingly global. This raises important challenges for regulatory processes which still largely emanate from domestic jurisdictions.   In order to eliminate unnecessary regulatory divergences and to address global challenges pertaining to systemic risks, the environment, and human health and safety, governments increasingly seek to better articulate regulations across borders and to ensure greater enforcement of rules and their application cross jurisdictions remain largely under-analysed.
This report gathers in a synthetic manner the knowledge and evidence available to date on the various mechanisms available to governments to promote regulatory co-operation, and their benefits and challenges. The review of evidence confirms the increased internationalisation of regulation, which takes place through a wide variety of mechanisms and multiple actors, and highlights a shift in the nature of IRC from complete 'harmonisation' of regulation to more flexible options - such as mutual recognition agreements. Despite growing regulatory co-operation, however, decision making on IRC is not informed by a clear understanding of benefits costs and success factors of the diverse IRC options.

Rayons : Entreprise, économie & droit > Economie mondiale

  • Auteur(s)


  • Éditeur

    Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques

  • Distributeur

    Union Distribution

  • Date de parution


  • Collection


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Longueur

    23 cm

  • Largeur

    16.1 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1 cm

  • Poids

    254 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Infos supplémentaires : Broché  
