Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone in feeling discontent. Harbouring an unnatural desire for solitude, and a perverse distaste for the pleasures of compulsory promiscuity, Bernard has an ill-defined longing to break free. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress-Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.
Brave New World Revisited (Vintage Classics)
Aldous Huxley
- Random House Uk
- 2 Septembre 2004
- 9780099458234
In his 1932 classic dystopian novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley depicted a future society in thrall to science and regulated by sophisticated methods of social control.
Guía de lectura Un mundo feliz de Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley
- Paideia Educacion
- 2 Juillet 2021
- 9782759312788
La colección «Conocer una obra» os ofrece la posibilidad de saberlo todo sobre Un mundo feliz de Aldous Huxley, gracias a una guía de lectura tan completa como detallada. Su escritura, clara y accesible, fue confiada a un especialista académico. Esta guía de lectura responde a unos estándares de calidad definidos por un equipo de profesores. Este libro contiene la biografía de Aldous Huxley, la presentación de la obra, el resumen detallado (capítulo por capítulo), los motivos de su éxito, los temas principales y el análisis del movimiento literario del autor.
As an acclaimed novelist, Miles Fanning is well used to the unwanted attentions of his fans. Yet little prepares him for the determination of the gauche Pamela Tarn who resolves to enter not only his world, but also his bed. Yet as they are inexorably drawn together, they embark upon a tempestuous - and ultimately destructive - affair.
A rattlesnake eats every one of Mrs. Crow's eggs until Old Man Owl hatches an idea to solve the problem.
A charming story of a crow family by the author of Brave New World, written for his niece.
Level 6: Brave New World Book and MP3 Pack (Pearson English Graded Readers)
Aldous Huxley
- Pearson Plc Global
- 1 Mai 2011
- 9781408274354